Bicycle Shop Built For Two
So anyway, yesterday I was in this bike shop near where I live and I heard this conversation:
These people vote.
Bike Shop Assistant (to woman browsing racks and racks of bikes): Can I help you?
Woman: I want to buy a bike.
BSA: So, you want to buy a bike?
Woman: Yeah, I want to buy a bike.
BSA: OK. OK.... A bike?
Woman: Yeah, I was thinking, like, maybe I should get a bike.
BSA: Right. So. A bike.
Woman: Yeah, a bike.
These people vote.
We can infr, then, that 'bike' wunt th Secrit Werd, rite?
They seem to have completely separated their speech processes from that annoying cognitive... thing. That's gotta count for something.
Had the BSA already asked you his (apprently) only scripted line?
BSA: Can I help you?
Anaglyph: No, thanks. (optional politeness inserted here for - well, politeness' sake)
BSA: So, ... etc.
In my case the conversation would have gone:
BSA: Can I help you?
Me: Yes, I was thinking of buying a small nuclear weapon...
could it be a drug shop that is only pretending to be a bike shop ?
didn't the Oz cops 'lose' a little bit of drugs recently. This could be where they ended up ?
a nuclear weapon, eh? I could help you with a thing or two there, Reverend.
It would be my privilege as First Guard of the Waterbomb.
And they breed.
Their relatives are locksmiths.
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